Tuesday, August 26, 2008

CNN Convention Coverage Comments

I should totally be finishing my homework, but I have to take a minute to comment on the the CNN coverage of the Democratic Convention.....

I mean seriously? Who thought that the stupid Brittany Spears, Burger King drive-thru head microphones were a good idea? They really make all of the reporters and pundits look pretty gay. A small lapel mic wouldn't do? How about some boom mics? Anyone??? And all of those big touch screen monitors with maps of America are wearing me out. I can't take any more speculation that sounds like, "well John, if Obama can win Nevada and Colorado then he puts himself in a theoretic dead heat with McCain, who will most likely be able to pull out a win in Michigan, but lets not discount all of those blue collar workers in that state, John, because they can help to put that state in blue for Obama. And by the way John, this head mike makes me look like a complete tool. Back to you."

And all of these Hillary Clinton supporters that can't face the fact that she is no longer running for president need to calm down. Tonight I heard one of the reporters say, "some of the Clinton supports still want to cast their vote for her so they can feel validated". Validated? Quit your stupid whining. I wish that they would realize that the real difference between Obama and Clinton is nothing more than a penis and a bra. They basically share the same (or very close to the same) views on every topic. If you would have stopped your freaking whining three months ago and payed attention to the news, then maybe you would have figured that out already. I'd like to remind them that all of the Ralph Nader supporters who wanted to be validated eight years ago are the reason that Al Gore isn't president today.

...........stepping off of the soap box now..............