Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh Glorious Day!

I just talked to my mom and she said that she is going to vote for Barack Obama!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally someone in my family has come to their senses!!!!! I remember 4 years ago when my grandmother was visiting and we were watching the debates - it was me and grandma on the Kerry side and Mom, Dad, and Vicki on the Bush side. I remember them giving us all kinds of grief about voting democratic. Grandma said that Bush didn't do anything for senior citizens. Bush didn't do anything for anyone. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that my mom likes Obama. She's smart, after all. My dad on the other hand.........well, he said that he wouldn't vote for Obama even if he was the last man on earth. But he's not going to vote for McCain either. He said that being a P.O.W. in Vietnam soften his head and that he doesn't have any guts to do anything. He said that he'll just close down Gitmo. My dad buys into all the Fox News hype that a terrorist is going to fly a plane in to his house in Pittsburg, TX. He doesn't see the big picture about a crumbling economy and a deteriorating school system - he just thinks Al Qaeda is going to blow up East Texas and all the chicken farms. He thinks someone is going to take away his right to bear arms. He doesn't even have any arms to bear......unless he counts the air pistol he uses to chase away the armadillos in the back yard. I've got two weeks to work on him before the primaries. Now I've got to convince my sister.......