Saturday, February 9, 2008

Politics and Come Ons

Let me start by saying GO BARACK!!!!! I just watched his victory speech on CNN and I'm shaking with excitement. If you are reading this and you've never heard him speak, you don't know what you are missing. John McCain needs to change his name to John McLame. And I would like to thank Mitt for proving my theory that people with stupid names will never be president.

Now for the reason for this blog. A few times a month I will get a message and friend request from some random dude on myspace. They are always at least one, if not all, of the following: redneck, uneducated, and greasy. They always have at least one, if not all, of the following on their myspace pages: confederate flags, pictures of big trucks or muscle cars, pictures of scantily clad women, NASCAR banners, and hunting crap. I'm always tempted to write them back and ask them the following questions:
1. What self respecting man asks girls out on myspace?
2. What is it about me that makes you think I dig confederate flags and naked chicks? Is it the banner I have that says Obama '08?
3. What is it about me that makes you think I want to hunt? Again, hello? Obama? I'm a democrat? Can we say GUN CONTROL?
4. Perhaps you think I ACTUALLY make $250,000 a year. Even if I did, do I look like the kind of girl that wants to be your sugar momma??