Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I would again like to start by saying GO BARACK!
Now I would like to share with you a conversation I had with a student the other day. This student is VERY special (ya know, in a folder kind of way).

Student: Ms. Stokes, are you a democrat or a republican?
Me: Do you want me to be a democrat or do you want me to be a republican?
Student: I don't know! Who are you going to vote for?
Me: I don't know if we need to talk about this.
Student: Just tell me! My parents are going to vote for Hillary.
(at this point I'm relieved, and a little surprised, that she didn't say John McCain)
Me: Well, I like Hillary, but I think I'm going to vote for Obama.
Student: My dad said that if Obama wins president that black people will take over the world.

OH MY GOSH!!!! Are people still this ignorant????? Are people still passing this ignorance on to their children???? I really wanted to tell this girl that there are really stupid people of all races, creeds, and nationalities out there and she shouldn't discriminate against them because of their color. I wanted to tell her that she should be bothered by all colors of stupid people. I mean, we have a white president now and look what that's gotten us.