Monday, March 24, 2008

Insomniac Blog, Part Deux

So, I have to get up in four and a half hours and I'm wide awake. I'm not even kinda tired. I usually can't sleep on Sunday nights anyway, but this is really late for a school night. I wish I was one of those people that could get by on a few hours of sleep and still be able to function like a normal human, but I'm just not. I am going to be hating life tomorrow. (I'm sure Dean will be, too, since I'll be in such a pleasant mood!) And this is my last break until summer. But on the bright side, in 11 more weeks I can embrace my inner night owl and stay up as late as I want and then take as many naps as I want and do whatever I want. I remember my first year out of college when all I had to do was teach 30 lessons a week and work a few shifts at Old Navy. I went to the gym everyday, laid out by the pool in the afternoons, and only had to get up before 7 one day a week. Of course, I was also broke. Maybe if I could find a nice sugar daddy then I could go back to being fit, tan, and rested.
I really do live in a fantasy world!!


Anonymous said...

I'm a certified night owl/insomniac. A few things have helped in the past for me, but I'm now just resigned to it, since I don't seem to be as affected by lack of sleep as some people. Here's what's worked:

Celestial Seasonings' "Sleepytime Extra" tea. Usually one cup makes me sleepy in about an hour.

Unisom, or even the Target brand generic. Kind of creepy, I know, but when you need it, it works. Didn't make me groggy the next day, either.

Benadryl Allergy. Wonderful.

That's it. Have fun.