Monday, July 30, 2007
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
It was a huge problem last night because I was having a dream that I was on a date with John Krasinski and it was going really well. He was really into me. (No one tell Zach, though, because he gets very jealous). And just before he walks me to my door - the stupid cricket right outside my window starts squealing like an angry hyena and wakes me from my slumber. I don't often get to have dreams about dating cute celebrities, so I'd really like it if they weren't interrupted. I've got to kill the crickets!!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Coffee Shop Thoughts
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Sarah Bart told me to try this beer, so I did:
This was our view from the patio:
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
No Soapbox, Just Pictures
So, today I made a bunch of stuff - including some delicious meals. I guess I'm embracing my inner John Mackey, but I like to take pictures of my food now. It just looks so good and I want to capture it for prosperity!
Breakfast was scrambled eggs with garden veggies, a side of blueberries, and a latte.
I'm really enjoying my summer and I'm going to be super sad when I don't have time to do all this stuff anymore. I guess I'll have to take it to the office and do it during my lunch break.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Thoughts on thoughts.......
Just because I'm pushing 30 doesn't mean that my biological clock is ticking. I don't hear it at all. I never have. I have a laundry list of things that I want to do before I would even ENTERTAIN the IDEA of having A child. Maybe someday I will change my mind about procreating, but ya know, maybe I won't. I guess I'm just getting more and more impatient with crazy folks assuming that I should be ready to start a family. Anyhoo - I wasn't going to post this article I found, but after today I feel compelled. I think I might just start carrying it around to read to people that inquire about my lack of buns in the oven, because I'm just about at a loss.
These are snippets from an article called Mama Don't Preach, by Amy Reiter
"If you're living a child-free life, you probably know what I'm talking about: People who start out celebrating their own decision to have kids and end up casting aspersion on your choice not to -- or at least not to have them just yet. They'll carry on -- with great concern about your ticking biological clock, of course -- about how their lives before children were (and implicitly, your life without them is) empty, lonely, devoid of meaning, even downright selfish.......I'm past 30 and a brand-new parent. At this point in my life, though not before, having a baby feels completely, euphorically right for me. I'm deliriously happy with my decision to spawn. But who am I -- or who is anyone else -- to say that having a baby is the best thing for everyone?
Yeah, so take that.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A Birthday Reflection
I remember several years ago when I couldn't believe I was turning 23 or 24 because I surely didn't feel that old, but the last few birthdays I have definitely felt my respective age. I remember last year thinking that I really did feel 27 and I was very optimistic that it was going to be a much better year than 26. Well, it wasn't - for different reasons, though. Really the last two years have been the most trying and difficult that I've experienced yet in my short life. I haven't felt like myself for quite sometime and I've often wondered if I would ever get back to when I was the happiest. I remember when that was - it was 2001-2002, and I think that would've made me 22. I had just graduated and was starting grad school. That first year of grad school was awesome. I didn't have quite the real world responsibilities that I had after that second degree, but I had enough that I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had so many great things happen that year and I had so much fun. I remember now feeling the best I'd ever felt, even though I should have taken a few more chances. Did I know it then or is this all hindsight? It seemed like after that 23rd birthday things never seemed to be quite the same. Everyone remembers that birthday - the infamous one in San Antonio. The second year of grad school was really hard for me. I was overextended, I was ready to move on, I was having to work through things I never expected I would have to. It was my first dose of reality, I guess. The first two years after grad school were hard - teaching lessons full time was great, but it was barely paying the bills. I got my job offer at Hillwood a few days before my 26th birthday and so I thought for sure things were heading back up hill. Wrong again. That first year teaching was a huge struggle. I remember feeling so optimistic on this day last year, thinking that opening a new school would have it's struggles but it would be better because I was over that first year. Wrong again. Dean and I had no idea what we were about to have to deal with. So, here I am, on my 28th birthday trying to figure out what made 22 so great. How do I get back there? Not to 22, but to how I felt then. Everyone always tells you that your 20's are about finding yourself and struggling to get a place in the real world, and now that I'm on the tail end of it, I would have to agree. Even after the strange path that has gotten me here, I am optimistic once again that 28 is going to be a great year. I feel so much better about teaching now, and just not being in a transition year is already going to make things better. Recently I had a conversation with a good friend who told me that life is about choices. So, I choose to make 28 a great year and I am ready to make some changes and set some goals for myself to get back me.
Here are some of the things I plan to do before I turn 29:
-Take a vacation that doesn't include a band convention.
-Go on three dates. Admittedly, boys scare me. They are one of the few things I fear. And if I go on three dates with the same guy, that counts!
-Take more pictures. There are years of my life that I have no photo documentation of. I must take more pictures of everything.
-Read more. (That will be easy this summer.....)
-Ask for help. I don't do that much.
-Surround myself with positivity.
-Trust my gut and take a few chances.
My fortune cookie today said this: Life if full of little decisions - like white or brown rice. Right on fortune cookie.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
One more thing......Everyone needs to go to iTunes and check out this chick Colbie Caillat. Her debut album came out today and her music is awesome! I've listened to it three times already and I can't get enough. It's a breath of fresh air from all of the not-so-awesome crap they've been playing on the radio lately. Seriously - check it out. You won't be disappointed.
A Word on Comedy
Ok, stop right there. DO NOT attempt to EVEN compare the ignorance of blue collar comedy to the comedic genius of Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry has a gift. Jerry doesn't glamorize redneck ignorance. Jerry is clever. I guess I like him because his comedy is smart. I'm not trying to be some comedy snob, but you absolutely CANNOT compare the two. They are on different poles of the world. Opposite ends of the universe. Light years apart. Maybe it's me getting older, but I'm starting to really despise any sort of pop culture that glamorizes being stupid (ie Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson) or that glamorizes just plain being ignorant and ignorant to the rest of the world (ie blue collar comedy) or that glamorizes being skanky to get what you want (ie all of these stupid bachelor shows where the skankiest girl of all always ends up with the guy). Why can't we glamorize being educated and successful? (And I'm not talking about Donald Trump, because he's an idiot). I guess that I just look at the generation I'm teaching and I want and expect more for them, especially the girls, than thinking that they have to be dumb, blonde, and skanky to be somebody. My goal is to always try to be the contrary for these girls: smart, brunette, and not skanky. Back to original point - Bill Engvall will never be on the same playing field as Jerry Seinfeld, unless of course smart and witty comedians are playing ignorant and immature comedians in a game of baseball. Moral of my story: GET AN EDUCATION!!!!!!!
(stepping off my soap box now)..........
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Goodbye Ripe Wheat, Hello Harvest Brown!
For my next home improvement project I will be getting crown molding put up. Hopefully that can get done before school starts next month. I can't wait to get that put up because I was very sloppy around the top edges! I kinda did that on purpose so I would have more of an incentive driving me to get the molding put up soon. How sad am I that I'm starting to play mind games with myself? I blame sleep deprivation.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Things Are Starting to Bloom
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Summer Vacation Update
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Look What I Made!
I am trying to embrace my inner craft queen this summer while I have the time. My new obsession with isn't helping. I saw these cute little bubble magnets on there and had to figure out how to make them. I found a website that gave instructions so I got my supplies today and made my first batch! It was so easy. I am planning on making little pendants like the ones at The Funky Monkey next. Hopefully they will look even better!
A Party Weekend
Every one stay tuned for next month's bash, and hopefully we will have pictures to show for it!
And it is possible that I will go see two movies this week. This has been an unprecedented summer of movie going for me! I want to see Sicko because I'm not ashamed to say that I like a good Michael Moore documentary and I want to see License to Wed because I have a huge crush on John Krasinski. I'll let you know how they were once I've seen them.