Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I decided on a whim to go to a late showing of Sicko tonight. Wow. I haven't fully taken it all in yet, but as with other Michael Moore documentaries I left feeling sick to my stomach. Mostly because the stories told in the film. I am little weary of him because I know that he is somewhat of an alarmist, but on the other hand - someone needs to be! I know that most of what he is saying is true because you hear about the state of health care in the country almost on a daily basis if you watch the news. These stories are not the first, second, or even 25th that I've heard about people with insurance not being covered for necessary medical treatment. The most compelling part of the film was when Moore took 9-11 rescue workers to Cuba to get free treatment that they were denied by their HMOs in the US. The HMO companies are quick to point out that they are not denying treatment, just coverage. It makes you think. It makes you feel lucky you aren't sick (knock on wood). It kinda made me want to move to France.